I help successful go-getters to create the life they really want. Right now.

Here’s the ‘official’ stuff…

After facing burnout in the middle of my 15-year career in humanitarian aid, I dedicated myself to finding ways to not just survive, but thrive under stress. I completely redesigned my life to make space for the things that were truly important to me. And I became an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation so that I could help others to do the same.

2022 threw me a few curveballs. My brother (& chief-partner-in-crime) died just two months after being diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. I then developed a serious health issue, the impact of which is still uncertain.

And I got really serious about my big mission, which is to help as many people as possible to wake up, and live their one, precious, incredible life, right NOW. Because when we’re really living, the whole world benefits.

My clients would surprise you - from the outside, they seem to have it all. A successful career, a family, financial abundance, an active life - but what you don’t see is the immense amount of stress they’re under; the feeling that they’re driving too fast and the wheels are about to come off; the nagging knowing that there should be something more.

With a background in entrepreneurship and senior programme management, I’ve lived and worked in 10 countries across 3 continents. I’m settled - for now! - in Sheffield with my son.

Here’s the ‘real’ stuff…

I don’t always have it all together, all of the time - and I believe it’s really important to be real about that.

Just like you, life hasn’t always gone smoothly for me. I’ve picked up limiting beliefs, I tell myself ‘stories’ about why things go wrong, I sometimes find myself trying to meet other people’s expectations instead of being true to myself.

I’m an empath, which is one of my superpowers, and part of what makes me an amazing coach - but our superpowers always have a dark side, and I find it easy to take on other people’s feelings as my own, which can be incredibly overwhelming. A recovering people-pleaser, I have to work really hard on setting and maintaining my boundaries.

I fear being visible (I’m sweating right now, writing this!). And at times, even with the knowledge and skills from all my years of working to support the wellbeing of others, things get on top of me.

In other words, I’m human. I’ve walked the same path you’re walking. I know what works, because I’ve tried it myself. And I know how to get up when I stumble. I would be honoured if you would let me show you the way.

If your life looks great on paper, but you’re still not happy…we should talk.